學士(南開大學); 工商管理碩士(南開大學); 博士(匹茲堡大學)
(1) "Global Behavior of a System with Imperfect Private-Public Substitutability", Journal of Public Economics 67, 1998, 437-454.
(2) "Endogenous Growth and the Welfare Costs of Inflation: A Reconsideration", with Yangru Wu, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 22, 1998, 465-482.
(3) "Market Restrictions and Economic Growth", Canadian Journal of Economics 31, 1998, 385-394.
(4) "Pecuniary Transactions Costs, the Effects of Inflation, and Functional Equivalence", Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 32, 2000, 1-12. (The first article in the New Millennium.)
(5) "Endogenous Markups and the Effects of Income Taxation: Theory and Evidence from OECD Countries", with Yangru Wu, Journal of Public Economics 77, 2000, 383-406.
(6) "Monopolistic Competition, Increasing Returns to Scale, and the Welfare Costs of Inflation", with Yangru Wu, Journal of Monetary Economics 46, 2000, 417440.
(7) "Bequest Motives, Social Security, and Economic Growth", with Junsen Zhang, Economic Inquiry 39, 2001, 453-466.
(8) "Security Transactional Tax and Market Volatility", with Frank M. Song, Economic Journal, Economic Journal 115, 2005, 1103-1120.
(1) “A study on the capabilities of Chinese publicly listed companies in innovation and growth”, research project;
(2) “Currency invoicing, exchange pass-throughs and unemployment”, working paper.