The grand finale of the exhibition that featured M.Arch Design Theses and selected final year projects of B.Sc (Hons) in Arch programme was set at Hong Kong Arts Centre on 9 Aug 2021. Should you have missed, or want to revisit it, please join our VR tour via the following link:
The CHARCH Graduation Show 2021 "RESHUFFLE . RESTRUCTURE . REFORM'' Exhibition is very appreciative to the 19 sponsors’suppports- these include Paul Y. Engineering Group Ltd. (Venue Sponsor), Macros Construction Ltd. (Venue Set up Sponsor), The Hong Kong Institute of Architects, 39 Plus Ltd., Advanced Construction Information Development Ltd., Andrew Lee King Fun & Associates Architects Ltd., ARK Associates Ltd., Cheung Kong-Yeung Architects Ltd., CL3 Architects Ltd., Cupio Design Studio Ltd., CYS Associates (HK) Ltd., Design Eight Five Two Ltd., LWK + PARTNERS, Nelson Chen Architects Ltd., Prime Design Consultancy Ltd., Rocco Design Architects Associates Ltd., Ronald Lu & Partners (HK) Ltd., Singular Studio Ltd. and The Oval Partnership. Thank you very much again!
Enjoy the VR tour – wish you a pleasant visit!