
Communication and Crossmedia Programme: A Professional Collaboration in Teaching


The Communication and Crossmedia Programme (JCC / JUPAS Code: JSSC04) not only stands ahead but also converges with online streaming, digital crossmedia production, immersive interaction and cross-border communication to form a professional collaboration network in teaching.

DSE students can apply Year 1 admission through JUPAS (JUPAS Code: JSSC04), while Associate Degree and Higher diploma graduates can gain direct admission to Year 3 entry of our programme.

Please find below the YouTube link for more details:

The JCC programme updates and shares academic curriculum details, extra-curricular activities, teacher and student works on our official website, YouTube channel and Facebook page.

For further information about the programme, check out the following links:

For further information about the programme curriculum and structure, click the link below:


Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Communication and Crossmedia Programme (JCC / UPAS Code: JSSC04)

Communication and Crossmedia Programme Course Code: 501403

Copyright © Hong Kong Chu Hai College. All rights reserved. |Address: 80 Castle Peak Road, Castle Peak Bay, Tuen Mun, N.T. Hong Kong. |Tel: (852) 2972 7200 |Fax: (852) 2972 7367 |Email: info@chuhai.edu.hk